Saturday, March 13, 2010

Faculty and Senior Dental Hygiene Students at the JUST Dental Center

All clinical sessions are scheduled at the JUST Dental Center in downtown Irbid. The Dental Center is part of the University Health Center. Most universities' medical and dental programs have their clinical centers in urban areas in order to access a diverse population for student practice and experience. The location of the Dental Center is also a good, visible way of serving the needs of the community. For teaching the seniors, I work with several other faculty in two clinic sessions on Sundays here at the Dental Center. We also fit in a noon time lecture between clinic sessions for the junior dental hygiene students.

Our current goals with the seniors include the development of competencies in periodontal debridement using sharpened Gracey and universal curets and ultrasonic scaling instruments, infection control, and assessment and treatment planning to ensure comprehensive care. I am hoping to get a donation of periodontal explorers for student use; assessment of root topography with a No. 23 dental explorer is impossible! Documentation and record keeping is always a challenge too. Fortunately, the students have an excellent flow of clinical patients who are medically complex and have moderate to advanced levels of oral diseases so they make challenging teaching cases.

One faculty member that we work closely with is the enthusiastic, constantly smiling Dr. Hayder, a periodontist from Iraq. Jordan is now home for many Iraqis who have fled their homeland because of the war. On March 7, 2010, the Iraqi Presidency Council held a national parliamentary election for the 325 members to the Iraq's Council of Representatives. "Out of country" Iraqi's were able to vote in established locations in Jordan. Dr. Hayder proudly displays his inked finger proving that he voted. Dr. Hayder and I are team teaching the Periodontics II course. We have the coveted 8 AM lecture block on Wednesdays!

Another important person to know is Mohammad, the man in charge of the clinical dispensary. If we need supplies or instruments, we go to see him. Mohammad was educated as a dental hygienist at the Amman College and he practiced dental hygiene in Dubai before joining the faculty and staff at JUST. He too is extremley supportive, patient, generous, and wonderful to work with.

The days go by very quickly working with such great people!


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